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Legal Maxims
LAW OF TORTS ??? “Damnum Sine Injuria” which means “Damage without Injury” ??? “Injuria Sine Damnum” which means “Injury without Damage”

Famous Case Laws on Fundamental Rights of Indian Constitution
Image Source : https://www.clearias.com/fundamental-rights/ INDIAN CONSTITUTION The people don???t know their powers and their rights. In order to know their powers and their rights the Indian constitution was formed. Indian Constitution contains fundamental political principles, establishes the structure, procedures, powers…

Law of Torts – An Introduction
INTRODUCTION Law is any rule of human conduct accepted by the society and enforced by the state for the betterment of human life. The entire body of law in a state (corpus juris) may be divided into two viz, civil…

Important Case Laws
Important cases which we need to refer to know the concept of law or to know the remedies which we ought to get by referring the judgments given previously termed as Landmark judgment by our great judges

Jurisprudence (Legal theory) – An Introduction
JURISPRUDENCE Jurisprudence (Legal theory) means ???Knowledge or Science of Law???. The law of Contract and Tort is concerned with different rights which one person may have against another. Jurisprudence on the other hand, studies the meaning of the terms ???rights???…

Intellectual Property Rights – An Introduction
INTRODUCTION Intellectual property (IP) is a term referring to a number of distinct types of creations of mind for which a set of exclusive rights are recognized and the corresponding fields of law. Common types of IP include: ??? Copyrights…

Indian Constitution – An Introduction
Image Source: https://www.clearias.com/ INDIAN CONSTITUTION The people don???t know their powers and their rights. In order to know their powers and their rights the Indian constitution was formed. The Constitution of India which was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on…

Administrative Law – An Introduction
Image Source: https://www.andreasangelides.com/law/1-constitutional-public-and-administrative-law/ INTRODUCTION The administrative law is the bye-product of Socio-Economic functions which deals with the administration executive and with the people. This creates the complexity between the individual and the administration authority. In order to reduce the…

Indian Contract Act 1872 – An Introduction
Image Source: www.greycampus.com INDIAN CONTRACT ACT 1872 The Indian Contract Act is one of the oldest mercantile laws of our country. All of us enter into a number of contracts everyday knowingly or unknowingly. Each contract creates some rights and…