Famous Case Laws on Fundamental Rights of Indian Constitution

Image Source : https://www.clearias.com/fundamental-rights/
The people don???t know their powers and their rights. In order to know their powers and their rights the Indian constitution was formed.
Indian Constitution contains fundamental political principles, establishes the structure, procedures, powers and duties of government institutions and sets out fundamental rights, directive principles and the duties of citizens.
Indian Constitution Contains 22 Parts, 395 Articles, 12 Schedules.
Scheme of the Constitution
Justiciable Fundamental Rights as well as the Non-Justiciable Directive Principles.
Article 12 – 35 : Deals with Fundamental Rights
Fundamental Rights are not Absolute Rights – Can be suspended during a National Emergency
Note: Now Right to Property is not a Fundamental Right – it is now only a Legal Right
6 Fundamental Rights
Art. 14-18 : Right to Equity
Art. 19-22 : Right to Freedom
Art. 23-24 : Right against Exploitation
Art. 25-28 : Right to Freedom of Religion
Art. 29-30 : Cultural & Educational Rights
Art. 32???????? :??Right to Constitutional Remedies
Famous Cases on Fundamental rights
In 1965 :
Sajjan Singh Vs State of Rajasthan AIR 1965 SC 845
The Supreme Court held that “the Parliament can amend any part of the Constitution including fundamental rights”.
In 1967 :
Golaknath and Ors. vs State of Punjab and Anrs 1967 AIR 1643, 1967 SCR (2) 762
The verdict of the Golaknath case, said that “the fundamental rights cannot be amended”